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Get Your App To Market

June 19th, 2013 by Houston Limos · No Comments

From Concept To Distribution

Norton 360 Multi-device

These days many companies are

opting to develop their own applications

in order to better serve customers

or to meet specific internal

needs. You could, for example, build

an out-facing app that improves communication

between your employees

and customers. Or you could create a

more in-depth application that helps

administrators monitor your company’s

network or data. If there is an

unmet need in your company or even

in your industry as a whole, it can

make sense to make your own application

to solve the issue. We will highlight

what it takes to get the job done.


Of course, every app starts with an

idea, which usually grows from recognizing

that a process for getting something

done is either lacking or could be

improved. If you think an app could

help, there are numerous specifics to

consider before embarking on the appbuilding

process, but first you should

document what the app will do in its entirety.

It might be easy to write down a

sentence or two about the app and deem

the idea solid, but more is needed: Draw

out the idea to all imaginable conclusions,

using a whiteboard for diagramming

if necessary, to ensure the app’s

full scope is understood at the outset.


Identifying an audience for your

app should be implicit when you

draw out the overall app idea. Broadly

speaking, an intended audience is either

internal (company employees) or

external (customers or others outside

the company). However, as sometimes

happens, you may find throughout the

development process that an app designed

for internal purposes could be

useful for people outside of your company

or customer base, or vice versa

So be prepared to adjust the app’s

scope during development.


Before you begin the development

process, search the online app stores

serving various mobile platforms and

consult the vendors your IT department

works with to determine whether an

app offering similar functionality already

exists. If you are considering a

consumer-facing app, compare your app

concept with any similar apps to make

sure a market exists for your product.

If an internal app is what you have in

mind, make sure a vendor doesn’t offer

an app that could be adapted to your

company’s needs with the vendor’s help.


A potential deterrent to building an

app in-house could relate to your choice

of platform. If you are building for one

platform, such as iOS or Android, then

your in-house team might be able to

handle the programming, testing, and

debugging needs of the app. But, says

Altaz Valani, senior research analyst

at Info-Tech Research Group (, “if you’re thinking about

spreading across multiple platforms

and devices, then the best approach is

to consider an abstraction of the whole

mobile space, and there are third-party

companies that do that.”


Preparing your app for use on certain

device types doesn’t always end

with choosing one or more platforms.

“You need to get out of the mobileonly

mindset,” says Valani. “You can

use mobile to get into the marketplace,

but everything is connected and everything

is a potential device. Users are

now looking for integration with their

tablets and with their desktops, so you

have to service that need. You have

to keep all of these branches synchronized

at all times.”


If you feel confident that your idea

for an app is worth pursuing and all of

the targets-processes, audience, platforms-

are nailed down, the next step

is to build it. Your company may have

developers on staff who are experts at

app building, or some training might

be necessary to get on-staff developers

up to speed regarding specific mobile

platforms. But if your workforce lacks

any of the necessary technical knowhow,

it’s often a good idea to enlist

the services of a third-party vendor.

Ultimately, ensure that whoever develops

your app can execute on the

overall vision, as buggy or otherwise

problematic apps invariably draw unwanted


After developing a minimum viable

product version of your application,

perform limited testing internally and

use the resulting feedback to build a

more stable version. If, after that, you

feel comfortable with the current state of

the app, then you should start casting a

wider net for testers. After testing with a

relatively small set of users, consider initiating

a beta test with a wider audience

before releasing the app for regular use.


For external apps, it will be obvious

which marketplaces to submit your app

to if you built it for specific platforms.

The curating process varies; roughly,

the Apple’s iTunes Store is most stringent,

Google Play is the least, and

Microsoft’s Windows Phone is somewhere

in between. If you created the

app for multiple platforms, it’s simplest

to start the curation process with the

Android version.


If you built your app with the intent

of generating revenue, then

you’ll need to set a price point after

you’ve selected an app marketplace.

According to Valani, there is a

threshold where most apps “are 99

cents to three dollars.” Less expensive

apps can lead to more sales or even

impulse purchases, but if you believe

your app has a large enough feature

set to warrant a higher price, you

can always go beyond the threshold.

Valani also adds that lower priced

apps make it so “you’re being driven

primarily by volume.” But if your app

can fill a particularly large need, then

you may be able to make up the difference

in total revenue.


The development process isn’t over

as soon as the app hits the marketplace.

You should regularly check

in on customer reviews or employee

feedback to determine whether you

need to change the app through quick

updates or make wholesale changes

in a future version. “Buggy and slow

applications just won’t survive,” says

Valani about external apps. “There’s

a very low barrier where if the app

doesn’t do what I need to do, it’s

gone. You need constant updates and

to consider things that are really important

to your users, such as performance,

scalability, bug fixes, and

security. The moment you start to get

things that aren’t working correctly,

you open the opportunity for a competitor

to get in there and create an

app that actually offers that.”

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