Want to buy an SUV, but you can not decide? This is the right article for you, because we will analyze below two SUV vehicles that represent the pinnacle of engineering skills: Nissan Pathfinder and the Audi Q5. But to be able to compare these vehicles, we first need to mention the most relevant data when selecting SUVs. Of course, this list is different from case to case. For example, if you live in cold regions where it is very important traction vehicles, because there often fall high snow. For someone is, again, much more important ability of vehicles to rapidly achieve the highest possible acceleration. The important items include interior decoration of vehicles and useful features such as seat heaters, navigation, or dual-chamber environment. For someone is important the number of seats in the vehicle, because it is used to transport the workforce to hardly accessible regions, on rough terrain without roads. Other people like the security of the vehicles and the main item is the number of air bags and construction of the vehicles. There are people for which the SUV is just a status symbol, and it is important to appear at a certain place and to be seen in the cool vehicle. These are all subjective characteristics of vehicles, and I gave a very brief definition: For the SUV is the most important good correlation of traction, vehicle size and its mobility. Therefore, when we compared these two cars we will go item by item and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each vehicle.
The first is Engine and traction motor. If we compare the basic versions of both models, the power are nearly equal and differ by 15 hp in favor of the Nissan Pathfinder. However, when we compare hybrid versions of both models, the Audi Q5 has a much higher total power up to 100 hp.
Fuel consumption is on the side of Audi Q5 model and has a much better result when compared to all trim levels. The reason for the difference in the result can be found in a much larger mass of Pathfinder.
Interior is quite different. The first big difference is the number of rows of seating: Audi Q5 have two rows of seats, while the Nissan car contains three rows of seats. Both models have seat heaters, as well as a number of useful functions that make it easier to drive. As far as ride comfort, Audi is better, while in the number of passengers Nissan has its benefits.
As for the subjective feeling of driving, and that with which car you exceed better, Audi is certainly voiced name. As regards the cost, it is a significant advantage in the Nissan. The Audi is more expensive for as much as $ 20,000.
After all the listed items, it is not difficult to make the right conclusion. Audi Q5 is certainly a much better car with much more power and better fuel economy. On the other hand, Nissan is cheap, good for transportation of large numbers of people and with their greater mass provides safer feeling on the road. The decision is up to you, but I’d still prefer driving the Audi Q5, of course, if I had that money.
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