A common noise in a family household on a Saturday morning is the yell of “tidy your room!” Millions of parents constantly instil the importance of cleanliness into their kids every day. Following some child modelling shoots, kids are given the items that they were photographed with, and after a few sessions like that, the amount of clutter can be quite incredible. So how do you help your child learn to organise and keep their space tidy? Here are some easy strategies that they will understand and will calm the clutter of the normal kid’s room.
Adult furniture and organizing systems don’t translate very well to children’s needs and sticky dresser drawers are hard for small hands to manage. Folding closet doors pinch fingers and jump their rails when pushed from the bottom. Closet hanging rods are out of reach, while adult hangers don’t fit smaller clothing. Traditional toy boxes house a tangled jumble of mixed and scattered toy parts. The point I’m making here is that to let them tidy up easily, the storage solutions must fit the child. If it’s too hard to open a chest of drawers, then they likely won’t use it as much as they might. Invest in smaller furniture, perhaps lower the rail in the wardrobe, use containers under the bed for toys that can be easily pulled out and used.
Threats of “you’ll get no pocket money!” and such won’t work on many children. Instead, bring them into the thought process and avoid attacking the issue head on. Look at it as a learning activity rather than a punishment. If you become a little team, then you have a better chance of making a method of organising their things that will continue without your constant intervention. If they are involved they will better understand the logic and end up automatically keeping on top of their room.
If they have a small room with little floor or storage space for their things then you might have to think outside the box. Sort, store and simplify. First of all sort out old toys, old clothing, and old school supplies and get rid of them. If you might need them again, put them in the attic or somewhere out of the way. Child modelling agencies will sometimes ask interviewees about their room to try and find out what kind of kid they are and you’ll want the answer to be one you are proud of!
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