Winter is finally fading and summer driving season is approaching fast. You need to make sure your car is in top shape if you want to avoid turning your summer car trip dreams into an avoidable maintenance nightmare. Here are a few tips to get you started.
Get Your Fluids in Order
Now is the best time to check all of the fluids your car needs for optimal performance. Make sure the oil is replaced on the schedule suggested in your car’s owner’s manual. Other fluids that need to be changed regularly include break fluid and power steering fluid. Before the hot weather hits also make sure have the right level of coolant and that your vehicle is free from any leaks.
Checking Where the Rubber Meets the Road
Tires take a lot of abuse on winter roads. Even if you have snow tires that you replace every spring, you still need to inspect your tires for wear. Regularly rotating your tires will help extend their life and keep you safes while traveling. When you change your oil it is also a good idea to check the pressure in your tires. Improperly inflated tires could be costing you more money on gas. Also be sure to look at your spare tire. Nothing is worse than having a flat or faulty spare when dealing with a flat tire.
Make Sure You Can See and Others Can See You
Inspect your headlights, high beams, break lights, and reverse lights. Not only do these lights keep you safe, but keeping them all in working order might save you a fix-it ticket while you’re out of town. Clean your mirrors and windows as well. Summer means dust and bugs when driving. You need to make sure you have working wiper blades and windshield wiper fluid.
Once you’ve given your car its warm weather checkup, it’s time to get out on the road and remember how much fun driving can be.
If you need help with any car services please contact Like New Automotive in Arlington, VA.
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