Before the advent of Internet, life was very different. Communication, work, even getting information, was very different. If you thought Internet was all about social media, games, watching videos and wasting time, think again! Today, lots of people depend on the Internet for their livelihood. Many have bid adieu to unemployment by coming up with creative ways to make money online. Here are few different ways to make money online.
Not everyone can write, with practice and persistence, you could learn and master it. Once that’s done, you can take up writing jobs. You can write for others, write for sites that pay for content or even have your own blog and earn commission, etc. There are different avenues to learn as long as you know how to write.
Work as a Middleman
Wondering why I added this option as a way to make money online? There are different sectors that need middleman, so you can pick and choose what suits you best. Connecting buyers and supplies is the basic concept and when you do that one, you can get a referral fees. This is not done online much, because tracking is difficult. With the advent of InnerSell, ReferralCandy, uRefer, Curebit or the like, it is easy to track referrals and get paid for your efforts.
Affiliate Marketing
If you are good at marketing, affiliate marketing might be ideal for you. Yes, you will need a website and should devote time and energy, but it is a good way to make money. The best part – you market the products or services of others and earn commissions. The revenue is usually good and many earn handsomely and do it fulltime.
Website Development
Do you know how to create websites? Why not make it your part-time or full-time job? There are many individuals and firms who are hiring virtual designers for the job. Alternatively, you can also create your own website(s) for coming up with earning potential.
Google Adsense
Unlike many other advertising platforms, Google Adsense is fairly straightforward and easy, as long as you stick to their rules. Many earn in thousands every month, taking up Adsense as their hobby! Though you don’t get complete control on how it is done, if you have a site, it is a good way to earn a few dollars.
Sell Photos
Did you think professional photography is the only way to make money? Stock photos can earn you decent income. There are sites that pay you for good photos and also give you an exposure for your talent. What’s not to like about it?
Amazon Associates
Just like Google Adsense, Amazon Affiliates is an affiliate program for site owners. You can pick and choose what you promote and get paid for it. Even sites with 1000 visitors a month or less, can make money off their affiliate program. That’s the best part and I love that part.
Partner with Linkshare Sites
There are many sites that let you earn commissions for placing adverts on your site, or the like. There are many options to choose from. Rakuten Linkshare is just one option that makes this possible. You can choose similar services for more options and avenues.
There are more options, which we will be visiting in my next post!
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