The Addiction Hotline is designed to help individuals who may have problems with drugs or alcohol abuse, and who are looking to find the answers if they really have a problem; help families who’s loved ones may have substance abuse problems, and get information on recovery centers specializing in a specific substance abuse; or mental health issues. The questions that you may want to ask a counselor over the phone are:
* What to do if you have a problem with drugs:
ü For teens and young adults. Addiction can happen at any age, but it usually starts when the person is young. A young person may exhibit different behaviors, acting withdrawn, being constantly tired and depressed, or even become hostile. For a teen experiencing these changes, it could be a sign of a drug-related problem. Parents often overlook these issues, attributing them to the normal part of puberty. Only the teen him or herself would know if they are developing a problem due to their drug use. Your teen may have these noticeable signs:
- hanging out with the wrong crowd
- neglecting your appearance
- failing grades, and skipping school
- losing interest in favorite activities
- getting in trouble with law
- lose of appetite and difficulties sleeping
- not getting alone with friends and family
Once, substance abuse problems is identified, the addiction disorder can be treated successfully, and help young people to stop abusing drugs and lead productive lives.
ü For adults. If you’ve made unsuccessful attempts to stop using alcohol or drugs, or if you have uncontrollable urge to use drugs, despite harmful effects-you may be addicted. The counselor may ask you these questions:
- do you constantly think about drugs, and where to get them?
- have you tried to quit or taper your drug use, but your attempts had failed?
- do you use drugs when you are upset or angry?
- do you use the drugs to be able to function daily?
- does your drug use effects your work or school performance?
- are you worried about running out of your drug supply?
- have you had any medical issues due to your drug use?
- has your drug use broken your relationship with your family and loved ones?
If your answer is “yes” to any of these questions, you may have an addiction. Getting professional help is vital, and the recovery process can be very effective and successful.
* What to do if someone you know has a problem with drugs.
ü Your teen or young adult. If your teen is acting withdrawn, depressed and hostile-it could be a sign of drug abuse. Repeated drug use may cause changes in your teen’s brain. Drug addiction shows changes in the area of the brain that is associated with critical thinking, judgment, decision making, learning, memory and behavioral issues. It can be hard for your teen to stop, even if he or she wants to. Speaking to a substance abuse professional, and finding appropriate treatment can help the young teens to fight and overcome a possible addiction, and substance abuse problem. You can start by calling the Addiction Hotline to get some answers, on how to approach and deal with your teen, and get a direct referral to an addiction specialist, or a treatment facility.
ü Your loved one or a friend has a problem with drugs. If someone you care about, your family member or friend is struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, you will want to make a call to Addiction Hotline to have some questions answered about possible drug addiction and/or drug abuse. You can learn how to identify possible drug or alcohol abuse behaviors, and how to deal with it. You can learn how to help your loved one in the best way possible, and the kind of things you should avoid to enable your loved one to continue using drugs. Once you have a plan in place, it will be less stressful to get your loved one the help they need.
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