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Healthy Competition in Modelling

February 19th, 2015 by admin · No Comments

Let’s face it. The fashion world is a competitive world and never ideal for the faint hearted. Competition is good; it keeps you on your toes and has the ability to bring out the best in people. However, competition can also be unhealthy and destructive – bad winners are worse than sore losers. Companies like Models Direct sometimes get angry emails from models who go to auditions, but don’t land the job. Finding ways to deal with competition helps models to learn how to maintain healthy relationships without creating enemies or getting upset.

The primary goal of healthy competition is having fun. Do not make competition in modeling to be the case of who is better than whom and who will be the best at what. Make it a fun affair so that no one gets hurt at the end of the day. Always view competition as a mirage that is not real, It will end and soon you will be back to your own worlds. Models Direct, a modelling agency, take the view that it should be fun and help to create good  friendships. Competitions of any type are grounds for learning and getting new experience in areas where one was previously not conversant with. View such opportunities as stepping stones to becoming a better person at whatever you do. Competitions are also short lived. They are normally characterized with short duration and characterized with high energy. It should not be turned into a lifetime affair where people end up leashing at each other and being super competitive instead of building each other.

It may be difficult to accept one is better than you at some point. This is a natural instinct and only our mindset can help us brave past it. The winner of a competition may carry away gifts, titles and rewards one preciously coveted which may be a very painful process. One must learn how to deal with this. Losing does not necessarily mean you are the weaker person and does not mean the other person is better. However, take it as a form of bettering your life and improving on your areas of difficulty. Having a competitive mindset is destructive; have a performance attitude instead. When you do this, you will always be content you gave your best and if your best is not good enough, work harder towards making it way better. And the best way to compete is to be your own competitor, beat yourself, be better than you were yesterday and work towards being the best at all times. If you need a new agency for better representation, companies like GD Models and Models Direct can help. With the right attitude, competition can be fun.


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