Many years ago, travel insurance was not as advertised as it is today. Travel agents feared that, by bringing up a subject that had a negative impact, they’d be losing an otherwise tempting deal. These days, however, people have smartened up, and getting travel insurance is no longer considered an awful thing to think about but a wise thing to do.
Why do you have to buy travel insurance in the first place? The reason is simple: you want to be protected. Emergencies and accidents can happen – and they have, for some people. No doubt you’d be on the losing end if you don’t have travel insurance to back you up. The right kind of travel insurance is as important as your luggage and your itinerary; it is an essential part of your trip.
According to the Travel Insurance Association of the United States of America, around 30% of Americans buy travel insurance these days, a number that shows a considerable increase from 10% before 9/11 – that fateful day in 2001 when terrorists bombed the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, among two other areas.
This means that people have realized that now, more than ever, they need peace of mind, protection against unexpected circumstances, and invest wisely in their trip. Nowadays, a good 70% of travelers who go on cruises have travel insurances with them.
However, not all who buy travel insurance really know what they’re getting. They don’t know what things are included or should be included in the package. It’s highly recommended that you visit a reputable travel agency and get the information you need before signing up an application for travel insurance.
Ask all the questions you have in mind. If you want, you could compare the premium available, as well as the features included. It’s a safe way to choose the kind of travel insurance that fits your lifestyle and your needs.
The top ten reasons for having to buy travel insurance are the following:
- Your flight has been cancelled. Naturally, you’d want a refund and the best way to do that is by having travel insurance;
- Your bags, which carry your medication, get lost. For such an emergency, you need an emergency refill, which can be requested if you have travel insurance;
- Your wallet, which has your passport in it, gets stolen. Travel insurance can ensure you emergency cash and immediate passport replacement;
- Before you go on the trip, you learn that the country you want to visit has been attacked by terrorist. A cancellation refund must be backed up by travel insurance;
- Before you go on the trip, you suddenly get sick and have to cancel your trip. Again, a refund must be backed up by travel insurance;
- During the trip, you get involved in an untimely accident where medical treatment cannot be provided. For medical evacuation, travel insurance is needed;
- Your accident or illness happens in a foreign country;
- The airline, cruise line, or tour operator you chose for your trip goes bankrupt. Your supposedly non-refundable expenses have to be covered and travel insurance can help you with this, as well as get you to your desired destination;
- A natural disaster, like a hurricane or a typhoon, forces you to leave your resort, hotel, or cruise ship. Evacuation expenses will be covered by travel insurance;
- You need to buy travel insurance so you can sleep at night and enjoy your trip without having to worry about anything.
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