When it comes to seducing a woman, then it’s a matter of not feeling too good for anything and there is exactly one sentence that makes the difference if a man will eventually have success with women or if he’ll remain the unsuccessful fantasizer who keeps asking himself the what-if question…
The thought “what if…” implies exactly one thing, namely, that a person doesn’t do what he wants to do. There are many reasons why he doesn’t have the guts to do it and that is where a sentence comes into play which will make the difference as to if he is currently living in the reality or only thinks “what if…” everyday.
“Embarrassment only exists if you allow embarrassment.”
That is the life changing sentence which looks really easy and doesn’t seem as if it could be the turnaround.
Why does this sentence make the difference as to if a man will have success with a woman in the end or not?
This sentence implies that you can do anything in the world you want, even if 7 billion people on this earth think it’s embarrassing. If you don’t think it’s embarrassing then no one will think it’s embarrassing. At least no one will find you embarrassing.
Embarrassment is something that doesn’t come up in the human world, however in yourself. If a man approaches a woman, then only the person who approaches her will be the one who will feel embarrassment. If she acts in a weird way now, then again, no one will feel embarrassed but the person himself.
However, if the person presents themselves in a really confident way while doing something which is usually looked at as embarrassing in our society, then no one will perceive it as embarrassing if the person stands behind what they just did to 100%.
So remember, that if you want to have success with a woman, then always stand behind what you do to 100%, no matter how embarrassing you think it may be. If you stand behind it, then no one will think you’re embarrassing but rather brave and confident.
I hope this will give you courage to behave around women the way you have always wanted to in the future.
If you’d like more tips on how you can increase your success with women, then visit me on my website: http://www.seducewithpersonality.com/
Mark Lambert
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