It sounds silly to say, but just because you’ve purchased cheap car insurance, it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be covered should an incident occur. Insurance is to prevent damage to another person’s property, something it does well. But that doesn’t mean your policy carries over to your property too.
In most countries it’s illegal to drive without third party insurance, something which protects the vehicles belonging to other drivers. However, that’s about as far as legally required coverage extends. Protection for your car or body while on the road is completely optional.
To make sure you aren’t caught off-guard and left with medical bills or car repair payments, it’s important to know your policy in detail. Here are 5 things you should know about your car insurance policy in order to prevent a nasty surprise.
- Everything is Listed in the Terms and Conditions
Insurance companies can neither lie to you nor withhold valuable details from you. That’s against the law. What they can do, however, is put these details in a place where you’re unlikely to look: the terms and conditions brochure.
This brochure will tell you everything you need to know about your policy, and will help you to decide whether you’re happy with your coverage. Familiarize yourself with it, and know the ins and outs of what you’re buying.
- Fully Comprehensive Doesn’t Mean You Can Drive Any Vehicle
Fully comprehensive policies have a reputation for being one of the best types of policy around. This may have something to do with their name.
A fully comprehensive policy, however, doesn’t automatically mean you’re allowed to drive a vehicle that isn’t yours. While you may indeed be allowed, you’ll need to check first.
- Your Insurer is Allowed to Cancel Your Policy
Contracts often feel like legally binding documents, ones which can’t be broken for neither love nor money. The reality of the situation is, your insurer does have the right to cancel on you.
While they won’t want to do this, they’ll be forced to if you don’t keep on top of your premiums or can’t prove your no claims.
- Ensure Your Policy Matches Your Usage
Car insurance policies are very detailed protection plans, and because of this, often have terms of usage included in them. Examples of these terms of usage include business use and limited mileage.
Most policies cover social and domestic usage, and not business, so you’ll need to check before using your vehicle for work purposes. You’ll also need to check the policy’s terms and conditions to ensure you don’t have any limits on the amount of miles you’re covered for.
- New Car? You’re Responsible for Insuring It
Before you drive your shiny new vehicle off of the dealer’s forecourt, you’ll need to make sure you’re insured to drive It. It’s alarming how many people think they’ll be covered under their old policy, or the dealer’s policy, or even just some fair usage policy.
Unless your current provider has told you you’re covered, assume you’ll need to take care of the insurance on your new car.
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